In the beginning of May the CRIST held a ceremonial evening, dedicated to 60 anniversary of the Victory in Great Patriotic war. Our war veterans, home front workers, people, who lived in Leningrad during the blockade, and those who were children in the war time, take part in this celebration, hosted by our administration, trade union committee and veterans council. Our dear guests have seen a new beautiful stands, representing history of the Institute, where the main place was dedicated to work of the company in the war time and portraits of many our veterans.

The ceremonial meeting in the Scientific Council hall was opened by Director General of the CRIST, Dr. V. D. Gorbach. He congratulated all the guests, expressing his personal pleasure to welcome our heroes in the walls of the Institute. Dr. V.D. Gorbach thanked the veterans for their feat during the war and for their great input in formation and development of the company. Many of activities, initiated and started by our veterans, are still vital and very important, and results of their work are widely applied in modern research and development activities. Speaking about economical status of the Institute, the Director General appreciated it as quite successful. Annual production increase is estimated as 100 to 150 mln rubles.

In conclusion the Director General once again congratulated the veterans with a great anniversary.

Chairman of Trade Union committee of the CRIST Mr. G.I. Sizov also congratulated everybody with the Victory Day and informed, that the veterans would be given bonuses and all the guests of the event would get souvenirs for a good memory of the day.

Dr. V.D. Gorbach gave gifts and flowers to the veterans, finding sincere words for everyone. The veterans thanked for care and good memory.

Chairman of Veterans council, M.Sc. N.P. Loukyanov, held a short emotional speech, emphasizing a great importance of feat of arms, great input of home front people to our Victory, and heroism of people, endured the Blockade.

In conclusion there were held a concert of Saint Petersburg actors and banquet..

N. Yelgina, Editor of corporate Company newspaper