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SUDOSTROENIE 6'2002 (745) November-December

SUDOSTROENIE 6'2002 (745) November-December



Maritime doctrine of Russian Federation for a period up to 2020


Reshetov N. A., Yevenko V. I. Safety of ekranoplans - development of international requirements
The work on draft of international temporary guide for safety of ekranoplans is described.

Sokolov S. A., Novohatsky V. A. Concept of designing by specified cost
The article proposes a concept of designing by specified cost that lies in forming of programme for creation of designed specimens, determination of life cycle cost both of individual specimen and programme in total, decomposition of specimen into its component systems, determination of their maximum cost, salvation of at least three tasks of optimal control at each stage of designing, selection of an option optimal from the cost point of view out of Paretho set by effective quality control methods and thus selection of optimal variation of designed product.

Abdulov K. Ya. Anti-mine ships of V. I. Blinov
The author tells about contribution of well-known shipbuilder V. I. Blinov (1919-2001) to creation of anti-mine ships built in the second half of XX century both for the USSR Navy and export.


Semi-centennial jubilee of nuclear submarines building in Russia
The article presents summaries of plenary reports made at scientific and technical conference dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of nuclear submarines building and 100th birthday of chief designer of the first national nuclear submarine V. N. Peregudov (26-28 June, 2002, FSUE "SPMBE "Malakhit").


Genkin A. L., Mashkov V. N., Temnov V. N., Dybok V. V. Methods of removal of carbon dioxide from contour of ANPP working on chemical fuel
The authors consider existing methods of removal of carbon dioxide from contour of anaerobe non-nuclear power plants (ANPP). Comparative appraisal of power expenditure for removal of carbon dioxide with each considered method is given. A new method of CO2 absorption based on utilization of some gas-free fuels that provide improvement of ANPP power features is proposed.


Katanovitch A. A., Cherenkov A. V. Principles of emergency shipboard radio communication system build-up
Results of experimental investigations of utilization of 40-150 MHz range portable radio stations and also passive repeaters and emitting cables are given. Schemes for building-up of prospective emergency shipboard radio communication systems are proposed.

Belyaeva M. B. About one of possible reasons of underwater collisions
The author considers a possibility of submarines collision in cases when actual detection range appears to be much lesser than expected one. Reasons of existence of uncontrolled variations in detection range are analized.


Bruk P. A. Product's lifecycle management in shipbuilding
The author considers the role of PLM-systems in shipbuilding on the example of PLM Teamcenter Enterprise of EDS company.

Smirnov V. I. About the rights on technical documentation
Typical example of inadmissible "economic activity directed on monopolization and unfair competition" between a group of employers that left the service at an enterprise and created their own trade and their "native enterprise" is considered. Sources of legal regulation are given.


Kozlov V. S. Explosion cutting of ship's structures into scrap
Completion of the article that presents the results of investigation in development of high-efficient technology of scrapping retired ships with the help of controlled explosion energy. It is shown that utilization of explosion methods of ship scrapping in comparison with traditional thermal cutting gives increase in labor productivity for 10-15 times, decrease of work cost value for 1.2-1.3 times, decrease of amount of harmful releases for more than 100 times, essential improvement in cutters' working conditions.


Pospelov V. Ya. Strengthening of shipbuilding's prestige. Conference "Strategic submarines at service for homeland". "Through cooperation - to peace and progress".

Fasolko O. Yu. Scientist, teacher and organizer. Foreign information. The Fifth Congress of Scientists, Engineers and Production Specialists Union. About financing of maintenance of Russian Federation icebreaking fleet and completion of nuclear icebreaker "50 Years of Victory"


Rassol I. R. History of one invention

Tchernikov I. I. Barge-hangar of Samara school of sea air forces

Andrienko V. G. Icebreakers "Shtadt Revel", "Icebreaker 2", "Gaydamak" and "Icebreaker 3"