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SUDOSTROENIE 5'2005 (762) September-October

SUDOSTROENIE 5'2005 (762) September-October

SUDOSTROENIE 5'2005 (762) September-October




Pashin V. M., Rakhmanin N. N. Problem of anomalous waves and necessity of its consideration in the design of marine equipment objects.
Information about current state of studying a problem of anomalous waves in the ocean, trends of its investigation and utilization of actual results in designing of ships and shelf development facilities is provided.

Yegorov G. V. Mixed river-sea-going LNG carrier «Bulmarket-1»
Description of work concerned the re-equipment of dry cargo pr. 191 for mixed river-sea-going gas carrier pr. 001RSG01 is provided.

Kryzhevich G. B. Practical method of accounting the liquid power dissipation under general high-speed vessels vibration.
A mathematical model describing the fluid-elastic hull vibrations for transient ships and gliding boats is proposed. Based on the above model the methods of hydrodynamic forces resistance to general vibration have been developed. It is shown that the main factors affecting the hydrodynamic damping are ship’s speed, oscillation frequency and aft ends shape.


Mangayev G. A. «Osminog» salvage crafts pr. 537.
The author tells about design and construction of the «Osminog» salvage craft (pr. 537) and the same trial in the Alantic. The basic parameters of the above type second salvage craft «Elbrus» are given. Mention is made of designing the «Gindukush» new generation salvage craft.

Platonov A. V. Gunboats of nonspecial construction.
The author tells about the re-equipment of mobilized ships into the gunboats during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. The boats tactical particulars and design features are provided.

Kobsev V. V., Nefedovich A. V. Ergonomic aspects of electronic documentation development.
The ergonomic provision with electronic instructions for operators to control the ship’s hardware components is considered.


Obosov A. A. Slow-speed marine diesel 7S50МС-С manufactured by Bryansk machine-building plant.
The results of factory bench tests of slow-speed main marine diesel in series of 7 units manufactured by Bryansk machine-building plant for foreign customers have been considered.

Rumb V. K., Medvediev V. V., Serov A. V., Khizhnyak A. A.  Application of formalized safety assessment procedure to determine the residual service life of main marine diesel engine.
In accordance with the basic points of procedure for formalized safety assessment a way of forecasting the residual service life of marine engine based on simulation tests are proposed.

Basalygin G. M., Lettiyev S. V. Comparative analysis of hydraulic gear characteristics for ice ship turbine set. 
Results of comparative analysis are presented for total, static and dynamical loads and stresses arising in the mode of interaction between propeller shaft and ice in tooth gears of the first and second reducer stages along power transfer lines from high and low-pressure turbines. The analysis is carried out by solution results of mathematical models of propulsion system dynamics with two types of power transfer - tooth and hydraulic gears. Conclusion is based on inexpediency of utilizing the hydrodynamic couplings in diesel-reduction gears for ice ships.


Fershalov Yu. Ya., Chekhranov S. V. Static tests of nozzle diaphragms with a small angle of flow outlet.
The optimization of nozzle diaphragms to improve operating efficiency of low-in service turbines is considered.

Lychakov A. I., Pshenitzin A. A. Modeling and visualization of liquid flow processes.
The issues of liquid flow modeling at the inlet of nozzle machines have been considered. The leveling devices design with adjustable hydraulic resistance has been presented. The program algorithm of visualization of experimental research results is described. The findings show that utilization of the above design with adjustable hydraulic resistance could ensure stable characteristics of the system under both full and fractional loads.


Zdornov V. A., Novokhatzkiy V. A. Construction cost model in ship investment projects. 
The ship cost more advanced model being adapted to a greater extent, as compared with the well-known ones, to application of current systems for control of investment design projects and methods is presented. The model can be applied for information systems to support life cycle of the product.



In memory of O.P. Yefimov. Tereznikov V. N. Shipbuilder Yu. A. Makedon. Blitz-news.


Fiedorov M. R.  Captain of «Koreetz».
Biography of commander G. P. Belyaev, captain of the «Koreetz» gunboat, has been observed; participation of «Koreetz» in the battle with the Japanese squadron in the first day of the 1904–1905 Russian-Japanese war has been described.

Klimovskiy S. D. «Markin» gunboats.
The author tells about operation of the «Ukraine» class destroyers in the Caspian fleet, their conversion into gunboats and renaming in the USSR Navy, participation in the 1941–1945 Great Patriotic war. One can trace the post-war destination of the «Markin» gunboats. Their tactical elements and re-equipment drawings are provided.

Rassol I. R . Semi-submarines of lieutenant S. A. Yanovich.
The author tells about semi-submarine projects developed by lieutenant S. A. Yanovich. Drawings for semi-subs «Keta» and «version D» are provided. The «Keta» participation in operation during the Russian-Japanese war of 1904–1905 has been described.