JSC SSTC took part in exhibition “INDO DEFENCE” (2-5th November, Jakarta, Indonesia), which is recognized as one of the most important defense exhibitions worldwide. It was held simultaneously with Indonesian exhibition “INDO MARINE 2016” and exhibition “INDO AEROSPACE 2016”, devoted to aviation and airports.

Totally, in three exhibitions “INDO DEFENCE 2016”, “INDO MARINE 2016” and “INDO AEROSPACE 2016” took part over 800 companies from 46 countries, including Indonesia, South Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Russia, France, Turkey, USA, Belarus, Australia, Germany, Great Britain, Ukraine, Japan, etc.

At the exhibition JSC SSTC demonstrated latest developments in the areas:
•    Design, technical retooling and modernization of shipyards (presentation with use of interactive model);
•    Setting up of on-shore bases for surface ships and submarines;
•    Military metrology and methodology;
•   Equipment for alignment of ship precision weapon systems; advanced technologies and equipment for shipyards and engineering plants;
•    Implementation of innovative dimensional check technologies in shipbuilding;
•    Design of fishing and special vessels;
•    Virtual research center;
•    New types of ship valves and fittings, and other successful projects.

Within the frames of “INDO DEFENCE 2016” representatives of JSC SSTC conducted a meeting with representatives of Indonesian Naval Headquarters Staff. From Indonesian side, discussion was leaded by Rear Admiral Mulyadi, Assistant Chief of Naval Staff of the Indonesian Navy for Logistics.

Whereas the exhibition displayed a wide variety of exhibits, only JSC SSTC presented design of shipyards and on-shore infrastructure, as well as proposed supply of laser processing equipment for shipyards.

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